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Once you have your PowerPay merchant account, you need to configure Xebra with this information.

NOTE: System administrator operator privileges are required to perform the following steps.

In the Xebra Client, go to the Xebra Setup window (Go > Setup).


Choose Options > PowerPay Setup from the menu.


Below is the PowerPay Setup window.


In order to process credit cards in Xebra, you need to check the Enable PowerPay checkbox.  The values for the following fields on this window should be supplied to you by PowerPay:

Merchant ID
User Name
Registration Key
Client No
Terminal ID
Industry Code

The Deposit Account must point to a Xebra banking account that will receive the money when credit cards are processed.  This needs to be the same banking account that you supply to PowerPay when you set up your merchant account with them.  You must be sure that the Xebra banking account is linked to a valid general ledger detail account.

The Processing Server information should default to the correct values.  You should not have to change these settings.