Income Comparison

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The third comparison report in the Xebra Reports module is nearly identical to the two previous reports though representative of rounded dollar values of jobs Paid In Full within the specified date range. This report can be used to evaluate income trends for budgeting and overall growth of operations.


Incom CompOptions

Date Range
oBlank - it is not recommended that you leave both date fields blank.  This may result in a "blank" or inaccurate report.
oTo: Date only - this will show you everything from the beginning up to the specified date.
oBoth - this will show you results for the specified date range.
oSales Rep - limits the results to a single Sales Rep.
oCustomer Category - limits the results to a single Customer Category.
oMaster Customer - limits the results to a single Master Customer.
oCustomer - limits the results to a single Customer.
oProduct Category - limits the results to a single Product Category.
oItem - limits the results to a single Item.
oGroup by sales rep - each sales rep will have their own pages within the report, and the last page will show a summary of all sales reps with their totals.

Incom Comp


Order Comparison

Sales Comparison