Converting Customer Records

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There are two types of customer records in XETEX Xebra.  As orders are placed, the customer is referenced with  the CUSTOMER_CODE to a Customer Shipping record.  Each Customer Shipping record must reference a  Customer Billing record.  The CUSTOMER_CODE must be unique for each Customer Shipping record.  The  BILL_CODE in the Customer Billing record must also be unique, within the Customer Billing file.  The same code  may be used in the Customer Shipping and Customer Billing files to reference the information for a customer.

The BILL_REFERENCE in the Customer Shipping record must be the BILL_CODE in the Customer Billing  record that is appropriate for the shipping location.  Multiple shipping locations may reference a single billing  location.

The MASTER_CUSTOMER on the Customer Shipping record is used to group shipping locations.  Placing the  same MASTER_CUSTOMER code in a number of different shipping locations provides the system with a means  of relating those locations to the same customer.  This is completely independent of billing.  It is most often used  for customer specific inventory.  When this feature is not being used, the MASTER_CUSTOMER in the Customer  Shipping record should be the same as the CUSTOMER_CODE for the record.


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SALES_REP, TAX_LOCATION, and CATEGORY reference control files that must be entered into the system manually prior to importing customer shipping records.



TERMS, and TAX_EXEMPT_REASON reference control files that must be entered into the system manually prior to importing customer billing records.