Data Fields

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Throughout many of the data fields you will encounter in the Xebra, there is extra functionality that increases ease of use and efficiency. While some of this functionality will simply provide searching capabilities, others will provide multiple options for entering data and immediate reference ability.

Suggested Fields – In an effort to guide you through processes, the system will provide highlighted data fields to ensure you pay them necessary attention. However, this DOES NOT mean that they are required. Once you have tabbed through a suggested field, even if leaving it blank, the system will remove the highlighting.
Required Fields – In some cases, data fields are not an option and must be populated before proceeding. These required fields will have the same highlighting as a suggested field though it will not be removed until sufficient data has been entered. Also, an operator will not be able to exit a dialog until all required fields have been addressed.
Codes Fields – Data fields requiring codes will also offer the Find Icon Find Button2. This will open a find dialog offering various criteria usable in searching for the desired code. When encountering a Codes Field for a specific record (i.e. Customer Billing), the operator may access the record via F6 on their keyboard  or by clicking on the field's button.  Upon closing the record dialog, be returned to where they began.
Dates Fields – These fields offer several ways of data entry, but before any data is entered, the format in which dates will be represented must be set by your System Administrator. Options for both the US standard (MM/DD/YY) and the International standard (DD/MM/YY) are available. Regardless of the standard chosen, the following entry options will be available.

 Though you are not required to use any separators between the month, day, and year, the following are acceptable:  "/", ".", "-".  For example, if using the US standard, entering        0301, 03/01, 03-01, or 03.01 in the field will all result in 03/01/10.

oYou can enter the full date (i.e. 11/27/10 or 27/11/10).
oIf entering a date within this year, you can simply enter the month and day (i.e. 11/27 or 27/11), and the system will default to the current year.
oIf unsure of a specific date, you can use the Calendar Icon CalendarButton to the right of the field.
oIf entering today’s date, entering “t” and tabbing through the field will populate the field with today’s date properly formatted or enter “y” if entering yesterday’s date for the same result.
oXebra will also calculate calendar days with the input of a positive or negative number.  Positive numbers will calculate dates forward, while negative numbers will calculate dates backward.  (i.e. "+5" will give you 5 days from today, and "-5" will give you five days ago) NOTE:  Xebra calculates standard calendar days, so calculations will include weekends and holidays.